From GhostBSD Wiki
- ATI/Radeon
- 除非 FreeBSD 完成TTM[1] [2],否則ATI或Radeon顯卡上無法執行 3D 加速。 你仍可以驅動顯卡,不過要選擇 2D 驅動程序。如果 2D無法啟動,則需使用 Vesa 驅動程序。
- Intel
- 在 GhostBSD 系統下,大多數英特爾顯卡支持 3D 加速。Due to the current KMS support[1], you will not be able to switch between the graphical console and a virtual console (using Crtl+Alt+F#) when using the "sc" console driver.
- Switching between graphics and text consoles will work when using the "vt" console driver, and GhostBSD right now default to "vt" console.
- Nvidia Graphics
- Yes! But nvidia-driver must be loaded.[2] The software can be installed easily, for example by using the (bxPKG/pkg) Package Manager or using ports as described on this page Nvidia driver installation.