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Welcome to Icon Disti GhostBSD.png /boot/loader.conf.


This is the place to make changes. The file loader.conf contains descriptive information on bootstrapping the system. Through it you can specify the kernel to be booted, parameters to be passed to it, and additional modules to be loaded; and gener ally set all variables described in loader.conf(8) Though loader.conf's format was defined explicitly to resemble rc.conf(5), and can be sourced by sh(1), some settings are treated in a special fashion. Also, the behavior of some settings is defined by the setting's suffix; the prefix identifies which module the setting controls. You may also find more information on /boot/defaults/loader.conf


This is an examble:

Directory Description
loader_menu_title="Welcome to GhostBSD"
hw.psm.synaptics_support="1" To enable psm(4) Synaptics support, add this line to /boot/loader.conf; Synaptics Touchpad
net.inet.ip.fw.default_to_accept="1" When first creating or testing a firewall ruleset, consider temporarily setting this tunable; This sets the default policy of ipfw(8) to be more permissive than the default deny ip from any to any, making it slightly more difficult to get locked out of the system right after a reboot. Example Ruleset 30.4.3. Example Ruleset
boot_mute="YES" This option is intended to suppress all boot time messages following the timed delay message. Only the boot prob messages are being suppressed. All the starting services messages are NOT being suppressed. [1]
crypto_load="YES" make sure crypto is loaded [2]
aesni_load="YES" driver for the AES and SHA accelerator on x86 CPUs [3]
geom_eli_load="YES" make sure geom_eli is loaded [4]
vfs.zfs.arc_max="512M" ZFS Tuning [5]
zfs_load="YES" Load ZFS
vboxdrv_load="YES" To make shure, that the kernelmodul for VirtualBox will be loaded after start [6]
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