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Revision as of 04:57, 15 January 2020 by Slughorn (Talk | contribs)

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Welcome to theIcon Disti GhostBSD.png Biology
App/Package Abstract Addition or Link
CheckM Quality assessment tool for the microbial genomes [[1]] [[2]]
GroopM Metagenomic binning suite [[3]] [[4]]
InsightToolkit Insight Toolkit [[5]] [[6]]
Jellyfish Fast, memory-efficient counting of k-mers in DNA [[7]] [[8]]
abyss Assembly By Short Sequences: parallel, paired-end sequence assembler [[9]] [[10]]
afni Advanced Functional Neuro Imaging [[11]] [[12]]
artemis DNA sequence viewer and annotation tool [[13]] [[14]]
avida Auto-adaptive genetic system designed for ALife research [[15]] [[16]]
babel Converts among various molecular file formats [[17]] [[18]]
bamtools API and toolkit for handling BAM files [[19]]
biococoa Bioinformatics framework [[20]] [[21]]
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