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Welcome to theIcon Disti GhostBSD.png Engineering
App/Package Abstract Addition or Link
2d-rewriter Cellular automata simulator Icon FreeBSD.png
ALPSCore Generic algorithms and utilities for condensed matter physics Icon FreeBSD.png 1329059652.png
BerkeleyGW Scientific program aimed at the ab initio virtual experimentation Icon FreeBSD.png 1329059652.png
DRAWxtl Crystal structure visualization tool Icon FreeBSD.png 1329059652.png
MetaPhysicL Metaprogramming, operator-overloaded classes for numerical simulations Icon FreeBSD.png 1329059652.png
NASTRAN NASA Structural Analysis System Icon FreeBSD.png 1329059652.png
OpenSPH Library and graphical tools for running SPH and N-body simulations Icon FreeBSD.png 1329059652.png
PETSc Suite of data structures and routines from Argonne National Laboratory Icon FreeBSD.png 1329059652.png
aircraft-datcom Modified USAF Aircraft Stability and Control Data Compendium Icon FreeBSD.png 1329059652.png
antioch C++ Chemical Kinetics, Thermodynaimics, and Transport Library Icon FreeBSD.png 1329059652.png
apbs Electrostatic and solvation properties for complex molecules Icon FreeBSD.png 1329059652.png
cgnslib CFD General Notation System library code Icon FreeBSD.png 1329059652.png
chrono C++ library for multi-physics simulation Icon FreeBSD.png 1329059652.png
clhep Object-oriented toolkit for particle physics applications by CERN Icon FreeBSD.png 1329059652.png
clipper Libraries for the organisation of crystallographic data Icon FreeBSD.png 1329059652.png
code_saturne EDF's general purpose Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software Icon FreeBSD.png 1329059652.png
coot Crystallographic Object-Oriented Toolkit Icon FreeBSD.png 1329059652.png
elmerfem Finite element software for multiphysical problems
emc2 Graphical editor of two-dimensional mesh geometries Icon FreeBSD.png 1329059652.png
engauge-digitizer Extract data points from images of graphs Icon FreeBSD.png 1329059652.png
esys-particle Particle-based numerical modelling software Icon FreeBSD.png 1329059652.png
fastcap Three-dimensional capacitance extraction program Icon FreeBSD.png 1329059652.png
fasthenry Multipole-accelerated inductance analysis program Icon FreeBSD.png 1329059652.png
feappv Finite element analysis program (personal version) Icon FreeBSD.png 1329059652.png
fisicalab Physics simulation program for educational use Icon FreeBSD.png 1329059652.png
fvcom Unstructured Grid Finite Volume Coastal Ocean Model Icon FreeBSD.png 1329059652.png
fvcom-openmpi Unstructured Grid Finite Volume Coastal Ocean Model Icon FreeBSD.png 1329059652.png
getdp Rather general finite element solver using mixed finite elements Icon FreeBSD.png 1329059652.png
gsmc Smith chart program for impedance matching Icon FreeBSD.png 1329059652.png
isaac Integrated Solution Algorithm for Arbitrary Configuration Icon FreeBSD.png 1329059652.png
libaec Adaptive entropy coding library Icon FreeBSD.png 1329059652.png
libccp4 Protein X-ray crystallography toolkit Icon FreeBSD.png 1329059652.png
libgridxc Library to compute the exchange and correlation energy and potentials Icon FreeBSD.png 1329059652.png
libvdwxc Van der Waals density functional (DFT) library Icon FreeBSD.png 1329059652.png
liggghts Discrete element method particle simulation software Icon FreeBSD.png 1329059652.png
lm-uiuc Software for sampling trajectories of the reaction-diffusion equations Icon FreeBSD.png 1329059652.png
madness Multiresolution adaptive numeric environment for scientific simulation Icon FreeBSD.png 1329059652.png
mdynamix General purpose molecular dynamics code Icon FreeBSD.png 1329059652.png
medit Interactive meshes visualization Icon FreeBSD.png 1329059652.png
mpb MIT Photonic-Bands Icon FreeBSD.png link
ncnn High-performance neural network inference framework Icon FreeBSD.png 1329059652.png
nest Simulator for spiking neural network models Icon FreeBSD.png 1329059652.png
netcdf C library for machine-independent, array-oriented data access Icon FreeBSD.png 1329059652.png1 1329059652.png2
netcdf-cxx C++ library for machine-independent, array-oriented data access Icon FreeBSD.png 1329059652.png1 1329059652.png2
netcdf-fortran Fortran library for machine-independent, array-oriented data access Icon FreeBSD.png 1329059652.png1 1329059652.png2
opencascade Open CASCADE Technology, 3D modeling & numerical simulation Icon FreeBSD.png 1329059652.png
openmvg Multiple View Geometry (MVG) library Icon FreeBSD.png 1329059652.png
openmx Nanoscale material simulations using density functional theories (DFT) Icon FreeBSD.png 1329059652.png
p5-Physics-Unit Manipulate Physics units and dimensions Icon FreeBSD.png 1329059652.png
paje Generic visualization tool for GNUstep (Gantt chart and more) Icon FreeBSD.png 1329059652.png
py27-netCDF4 Python Interface to the NetCDF Library (versions 3 and 4) Icon FreeBSD.png 1329059652.png
py27-pupynere NetCDF file reader and writer Icon FreeBSD.png 1329059652.png1 1329059652.png2
py37-geometer Python geometry package based on projective geometry and numpy Icon FreeBSD.png 1329059652.png
py37-kinematics Python module to do attitude kinematics Icon FreeBSD.png 1329059652.png
py37-netCDF4 Python Interface to the NetCDF Library (versions 3 and 4) Icon FreeBSD.png 1329059652.png
py37-openpiv Python module for Particle Image Velocimetry Icon FreeBSD.png 1329059652.png
py37-pupynere NetCDF file reader and writer Icon FreeBSD.png 1329059652.png1 1329059652.png2
py37-quantities Support for physical quantities with units, based on numpy Icon FreeBSD.png 1329059652.png
py37-spglib Library for finding and handling crystal symmetries (python binding) Icon FreeBSD.png 1329059652.png
pycdf Python Interface to the Unidata NetCDF Library Icon FreeBSD.png 1329059652.png
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