Welcome to /usr/local/bin/.
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Here you will find a lot of small applications.
This directory contains more or less 2500 utilities, application, tools. If you install an application and don't find it as a starter on your taskbar, it is most likely you will find the application in this directory. You can start this application via cli or set a link to your desktop.
On this page we will not describe all applications in the directory /usr/local/bin yet, but a short extraction.
Extraction of /usr/local/bin/:
Content 0 - A
7z |
A file archiver with highest compression ratio
a52dec |
a52dec - decode ATSC A/52 audio streams
aafire |
aafire, aainfo, aasavefont, aatest - aalib example programs
aainfo |
aafire, aainfo, aasavefont, aatest - aalib example programs
aalib-config |
aasavefont |
aafire, aainfo, aasavefont, aatest - aalib example programs
acyclic |
acyclic is a filter that takes a directed graph as input and outputs a copy of the graph with sufficient edges reversed to make the graph acyclic.
addftinfo |
addftinfo reads a troff font file and adds some additional font-metric information that is used by the groff system.
addr2line |
addr2line -- translate program addresses to source file names and line numbers
afmtodit |
afmtodit - create font files for use with groff -Tps
afuse |
AFUSE - automounting file system implemented in user-space using FUSE
ag-backup |
ag - The Silver Searcher. Like ack, but faster.
ag-tool |
ag - The Silver Searcher. Like ack, but faster.
agentxtrap |
agentxtrap - send an AgentX NotifyPDU to an AgentX master agent
agrep |
agrep - search a file for a string or regular expression, with approximate matching capabilities
al |
al, al2 - Mono Assembly Linker
al2 |
al, al2 - Mono Assembly Linker
analyze |
The analyze command displays the rotation and fallback angles, surface area, and plane equation for each face of the ARB specified on the command line.
appletviewer |
appletviewer - Runs applets outside of a web browser.
ar |
ar, ranlib -- manage archives
array |
Arrays can have fixed size, or can grow automatically as needed. A default value is used for entries that have not been explicitly set.
as |
AS - the portable GNU assembler.
aspell |
aspell is a utility program that connects to the Aspell library so that it can function as an ispell -a replacement, as an independent spell checker, as a test utility to test out Aspell library features, and as a utility for managing dictionaries used by the library.
aspell-import |
aspell-import is a command that will search for old personal dictionaries and will import them into GNU Aspell. It will look for both Ispell and Aspell dictionaries. To use it just run it from the command prompt.
atril |
Atril - The MATE Document Viewer
aucat |
aucat -- audio files manipulation tool
audio2tape |
audio2tape -- Sinclair ZX Spectrum audio to tape file co
autopoint |
autopoint - copies standard gettext infrastructure
Content B
baobab |
Baobab is a disk space analyzer for GNOME
bash |
Bash is an sh-compatible command language interpreter that executes commands read from the standard input or from a file. Bash also incorporates useful features from the Korn and C shells (ksh and csh).
bashbug |
bashbug - report a bug in bash
bcomps |
bcomps decomposes graphs into their biconnected components, printing the components to standard output.
bounce |
The bounce(8) daemon maintains per-message log files with delivery status information.
brasero |
Brasero is a disc burning application. It is designed to be simple and easy to use. It allows to create data CD/DVD, audio CD, to copy CD/DVD and to burn images. It has some nices features, such as a song, image and video previewer. It can also search for files (thanks to beagle) and display a playlist and its contents.
bsdcat |
bsdcat typically takes a filename as an argument or reads standard input when used in a pipe. In both cases decompressed data it written to standard output.
bsdcpio |
cpio copies files between archives and directories. This implementation can extract from tar, pax, cpio, zip, jar, ar, and ISO 9660 cdrom images and can create tar, pax, cpio, ar, and shar archives.
bsdtar |
tar creates and manipulates streaming archive files. This implementation can extract from tar, pax, cpio, zip, jar, ar, xar, rpm, 7-zip, and ISO9660 cdrom images and can create tar, pax, cpio, ar, zip, 7-zip, and shar archives.
btcflash |
Btcflash is used to read update the Firmware for a BTC DRW1008 DVD+/-RW recorder.
bzz |
bzz - DjVu general purpose compression utility.
Content C
c44 |
c++9 |
cairo-sphinx |
cairo-trace |
caja |
caja-autorun-software |
caja-connect-server |
caja-file-management-properties |
caja-sendto |
canberra-gtk-play |
cancel |
caspol |
cb2ti3 |
cbc |
cccheck |
ccomps |
ccrewrite |
cctiff |
ccxxmake |
cd-convert |
cd-create-profile |
cd-drive |
cd-fix-profile |
cd-iccdump |
cd-info |
cd-it8 |
cd-paranoia |
cd-read |
cdda2wav |
cdda-player |
cddb_query |
cdparanoia |
cdr2raw |
cdr2text |
cdr2xhtml |
cdrdao |
cdrecord |
cert2spc |
cert-sync |
certmgr |
certtool |
certutil |
chardetect |
chardetect-3.7 |
charmap |
chartread |
chattr |
checkmk |
checkvms |
checkXML5 |
cheese |
cheetah |
cheetah-analyze |
bin/cheetah-compile |
chem |
cherryd-2.7 |
cherrytree |
chktrust |
chm_http |
chmorph |
chrome |
chromedriver |
cifsdd |
cinnamon-desktop-migrate-mediakeys |
circo |
cjb2 |
cjpeg |
cjs |
cjs-console |
ck-history |
ck-launch-session |
ck-list-sessions |
clang80 |
classpath |
clear-color |
clear-fbo |
clear-fbo-scissor |
clear-fbo-tex |
clear-random |
clear-repeat |
clear-scissor |
clear-undefined |
clearspd |
clhsdb |
cliqz |
clp |
cluster |
cmis-client |
cmsutil |
cmx2raw |
cmx2text |
cmx2xhtml |
collink |
colormgr |
colprof |
colverify |
com.github.danrabbit.lookbook |
contractor |
convolutions |
copypix |
copytex |
corelist |
corpus2array |
corrupt_mpeg2 |
cpaldjvu |
cpan |
cpp9 |
createfpx |
createhdf |
createwin |
crlupdate |
crlutil |
croco-0.6-config |
csc |
cscope |
csepdjvu |
csharp |
csi |
csslint-0.6 |
cubemap |
cuberender |
cue2toc |
cups-calibrate |
cups-config |
cupstestdsc |
cupstestppd |
curl |
curl-config |
cvlc |
cvsps |
cvt |
cvtsudoers |
cwebp |
cxpm |
Content D
dav1d |
dazzle-list-counters |
db_archive-5 |
db_archive-5.3 |
db_checkpoint-5 |
db_checkpoint-5.3 |
db_deadlock-5 |
db_deadlock-5.3 |
db_dump185-5 |
db_dump185-5.3 |
db_dump-5 |
db_dump-5.3 |
db_hotbackup-5 |
db_hotbackup-5.3 |
db_load-5 |
db_load-5.3 |
db_log_verify-5 |
db_log_verify-5.3 |
db_printlog-5 |
db_printlog-5.3 |
db_recover-5 |
db_recover-5.3 |
db_replicate-5 |
db_replicate-5.3 |
db_stat-5 |
db_stat-5.3 |
db_tuner-5 |
db_tuner-5.3 |
db_upgrade-5 |
db_upgrade-5.3 |
db_verify-5 |
db_verify-5.3 |
dbus-binding-tool |
dbus-cleanup-sockets |
dbus-daemon |
dbus-launch |
dbus-monitor |
dbus-run-session |
dbus-send |
dbus-test-tool |
dbus-update-activation-environment |
dbus-uuidgen |
dbwrap_tool |
dcadec |
dconf |
dconf-editor |
ddjvu |
derb |
derdump |
deriv |
designer |
desktop-file-edit |
desktop-file-install |
desktop-file-validate |
desktoptojson |
devdump |
dht-example |
diagtool80 |
diffimg |
dijkstra |
ding |
dinoshade |
dirmngr |
dirmngr-client |
disco |
dispcal |
dispread |
dispwin |
dissolve |
djpeg |
djvm |
djvmcvt |
djvudigital |
djvudump |
djvuextract |
djvumake |
djvups |
djvused |
djvuserve |
djvutoxml |
djvutxt |
djvuxmlparser |
dlist-begin-call-end |
dlist-dangling |
dlist-degenerate |
dlist-edgeflag |
dlist-edgeflag-dangling |
dlist-flat-tri |
dlist-mat-tri |
dlist-recursive-call |
dlist-tri-flat-tri |
dlist-tri-mat-tri |
dm-tool |
dmcs |
doas |
dot |
dot2gxl |
dot_builtins |
dotty |
dpkg |
dpkg is a tool to install, build, remove and manage Debian packages.
dpkg-architecture |
dpkg-architecture provides a facility to determine and set the build and host architecture for package building.
The build architecture is always determined by an external call to dpkg(1), and cannot be set at the command line.
dpkg-buildflags |
dpkg-buildflags is a tool to retrieve compilation flags to use during build of Debian packages.
dpkg-buildpackage |
dpkg-buildpackage - build binary or source packages from sources
dpkg-checkbuilddeps |
This program checks the installed packages in the system against the build dependencies and build conflicts listed in the control file. If any are not met, it displays them and exits with a nonzero return code.
dpkg-deb |
dpkg-deb packs, unpacks and provides information about Debian archives.
dpkg-distaddfile |
dpkg-distaddfile adds an entry for a named file to debian/files.
dpkg-divert |
dpkg-divert is the utility used to set up and update the list of diversions.
dpkg-genbuildinfo |
dpkg-genbuildinfo reads information from an unpacked and built Debian source tree and from the files it has generated and generates a Debian control file describing the build environment and the build artifacts (.buildinfo file).
dpkg-genchanges |
dpkg-genchanges reads information from an unpacked and built Debian source tree and from the files it has generated and generates a Debian upload control file (.changes file).
dpkg-gencontrol |
dpkg-gencontrol reads information from an unpacked Debian source tree and generates a binary package control file (which defaults to debian/tmp/DEBIAN/control); during this process it will simplify the relation fields.
dpkg-gensymbols |
dpkg-maintscript-helper |
dpkg-mergechangelogs |
dpkg-name |
dpkg-parsechangelog |
dpkg-query |
dpkg-scanpackages |
dpkg-scansources |
dpkg-shlibdeps |
dpkg-source |
dpkg-split |
dpkg-statoverride |
dpkg-trigger |
dpkg-vendor |
draw2arrays |
drawarrays |
drawelements |
drawelements-large |
drawoverhead |
drawpix |
drawrange |
driverless |
dropbox |
dsbmc |
dsbmc-cli |
dselect |
dsymutil80 |
dtd2rng |
dtd2xsd |
dtsdec |
dumpmscat |
dumpsexp |
dvd-ram-control |
dvd+rw-booktype |
dvd+rw-format |
dvd+rw-mediainfo |
dvipdf |
dwebp |
Content E
easy_install |
easy_install-2.7 |
easy_install-3.6 |
easy_install-3.7 |
ebook2html |
ebook2raw |
ebook2text |
echo-client-2 |
edgepaint |
editorconfig |
editorconfig-0.12.2 |
eglgears_x11 |
eglinfo |
eglkms |
egltri_x11 |
einfo |
elfedit |
eLut |
enc2xs |
encguess |
enchant |
enchant-2 |
enchant-lsmod |
enchant-lsmod-2 |
encode_keychange |
engine |
engrampa |
enum_chmLib |
enumdir_chmLib |
envsubst |
eom |
eps2eps |
epsffit |
eqn |
eqn2graph |
erb |
erb26 |
es2_info |
es2gears_x11 |
es2tri |
escputil |
espeak |
event_rpcgen.py |
eview |
evim |
evince |
evince-previewer |
evince-thumbnailer |
exctags |
exempi |
exiv2 |
exo-csource |
exo-desktop-item-edit |
exo-open |
exo-preferred-applications |
exr2aces |
exrenvmap |
exrheader |
exrmakepreview |
exrmaketiled |
exrmultipart |
exrmultiview |
exrstdattr |
ext4fuse |
extcheck |
external-ip |
extract_a52 |
extract_chmLib |
extract_dca |
extract_dts |
extract_mpeg2 |
extracticc |
extractres |
extractttag |
Content F
Content G
Content H
Content I
Content J
Content K
Content L
Content M
Content N
Content O
Content P
Content Q
Content R
Content S
Content T
Content U
Content V
Content W
Content X
Content Y
Content Z