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Welcome to Icon Disti GhostBSD.png /bin/.
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Utility Description
/bin/[ The test utility evaluates the expression and, if it evaluates to true, returns a zero (true) exit status; otherwise it returns 1 (false). If there is no expression, test also returns 1 (false).
/bin/cat The cat utility reads files sequentially, writing them to the standard output. The file operands are processed in command-line order. If file is a single dash (`-') or absent, cat reads from the standard input. If file is a UNIX domain socket, cat connects to it and then reads it until EOF. This complements the UNIX domain binding capability available in inetd(8).
/bin/chflags The chflags utility modifies the file flags of the listed files as specified by the flags operand.
/bin/chio The chio utility is used to control the operation of medium changers, such as those found in tape and optical disk jukeboxes.
/bin/chmod The chmod utility modifies the file mode bits of the listed files as specified by the mode operand.
/bin/cp In the first synopsis form, the cp utility copies the contents of the source_file to the target_file. In the second synopsis form, the contents of each named source_file is copied to the destination target_directory. The names of the files themselves are not changed. If cp detects an attempt to copy a file to itself, the copy will fail.
/bin/csh C shell
/bin/date display or set date and time
/bin/dd The dd utility copies the standard input to the standard output. Input data is read and written in 512-byte blocks. If input reads are short, input from multiple reads are aggregated to form the output block. When finished, dd displays the number of complete and partial input and output blocks and truncated input records to the standard error output.
/bin/df The df utility displays statistics about the amount of free disk space on the specified file system or on the file system of which file is a part. Values are displayed in 512-byte per block counts.
/bin/domainname The domainname utility prints the name of the current YP/NIS domain. The super-user can set the domain name by supplying an argument; this is usually done in the network initialization script /etc/rc.network, normally run at boot time.
/bin/echo The echo utility writes any specified operands, separated by single blank (` ') characters and followed by a newline (`\n') character, to the standard output.
/bin/ed The ed utility is a line-oriented text editor.
/bin/expr The expr utility evaluates expression and writes the result on standard output
/bin/freebsd-version The freebsd-version command shows you the version of FreeBSD you are running.
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