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Welcome to Icon Disti GhostBSD.png Rc-service.
rc - shell
The generic hook into OpenRC.
Ordering rc-scripts
Scripts to run OpenRC
Scripts to run OpenRC
Scripts automatically executed at boot and shutdown
Special scripts
Configuration file for devd(8)
Initscript Configuration Files
Smaller configuration files
Specifies the default settings for all the available options.
The global OpenRC configuration file
GhostBSD specific configurations
Safely edit system rc files
Shows which services are running
Add or delete services
Locate and run an OpenRC service
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rc-service – locate and run an OpenRC service with the given arguments


    rc-service [-c, --ifcrashed] service cmd [...]
    rc-service -d, --debug service cmd [...]
    rc-service -D, --nodeps service cmd [...]
    rc-service [-i, --ifexists] service cmd [...]
    rc-service [-I, --ifinactive] service cmd [...]
    rc-service [-N, --ifnotstarted] service cmd [...]
    rc-service [-s, --ifstarted] service cmd [...]
    rc-service [-S, --ifstopped] service cmd [...]
    rc-service -e, --exists service
    rc-service -Z, --dry-run service cmd [...]
    rc-service -l, --list
    rc-service -r, --resolve service


Service scripts could be in different places on different systems. rc-service locates the specified service and runs it with the given arguments. If -i, --ifexists is given then rc-service returns 0 even if the service does not exist. If -I, --ifinactive or -N, --ifnotstarted is given then rc-service returns 0 if the service exists but is in the wrong state.

If given the -l, --list argument then rc-service will list all available services.

    -e, --exists return 0 if it can find service, otherwise -1.  -r,
    --resolve does the same and also prints the full path of the service to
    -d, --debug sets -x when running the service script(s).
    -D, --nodeps ignores dependencies when running the service.
    -Z, --dry-run displays commands rather than executing them.